5 simple ways to lose weight

weight loss 5 way Herbal green tea with lemongrass and ginger in glass cup with fresh limes on textile background.

Weight loss is difficult thing to do and it does increase your stress levels making you feel unworthy. Believe me, We all end up getting too tired at the end of the day to actually hit the gym. While you make conscious effort to reduce your calorie intake, the results just do not seem to show.

Here are 5 simple ways to lose weight without even trying.


1. Drink water before every meal

If you are hungry, it is probably just your stomach feeling thirsty. The body needs water every few minutes and it is necessary to drink water than to munch on some chips. You can also use this hack to curb the calorie intake before a meal. Gulping down a glass of water before a meal will just make you feel less hungry resulting in low food intake.


2. Don’t waste money on energy bars

300 calories sandwich

Instead of grabbing a any kind of energy bar which will hardly fill your stomach, you can invest the same 300 calories in your meal. Eat a wholesome meal that will keep you full for hours than to grab something unnecessary every few hours. Eating a few calories will only make you starve yourself making you feel hungry more than ever. It’s important to get enough quality calories, not just calories. 


3. Small Portion of Food

5 way to lose weight

This sneaky little tip will save you from overeating. The bigger the dishes, the larger the portion. So, downsize on your dishes. Eating in small pates will make your food look bigger in size which will, in turn, giving your brain the illusion that you are eating more. Result? You will e eating less without even thinking about it!


4. Exercise

5 way to lose weight

Don’t stress yourself over it! Going to the gym is not the only exercise you can do. Try switching things up and take the stairs sometimes. You can also just start by wiggling your legs at your workstation or moving around a bit. Just walk around your office or house every now and then this will just regularize your body.


5. Sleep

Getting enough and sufficient sleep is all that you need. If you do not sleep enough, you will end up feeling grumpy and grouchy the next day which will make you reach out to your comfort food.
